06 September 2007

Network settings explanation

Since version Network settings feature implemented. This feature is to setup your internet connection properties.

There are three options of the setting:

1. Direct internet connection. Doesn't use proxy automatic detection.
2. Automatic proxy detection (this is the default option).
3. Manual proxy settings.

It's highly recommeded to use Automatic proxy detection tune this only if you have connection's problem.

You can find the feature in Tools -> Network Settings ...

Network settings are stored in registry. Key name is:


Don't edit it manually but if you have a connection problem and want to restore default settings you can just drop the key and restart the app. The key will be restored and default settinngs will be applied.

05 September 2007

Proxy support bug in

Today the version was released. I implemented proxy support in it but i made a mistake. The bug is if you choose custom credentials for a proxy server these setting are not saved and default Windows credentials are used to authentificate the user. The bug will be fixed in version